Health Suite Information

Dundalk High School

Health Services

    “Health and learning go hand in hand.”

Health Suite
(443) 809-7073 (Phone)

Wellness Center
(443) 809-7907 (Phone)

(443) 809-7917 (Fax)

Mindy Bockstie MSN, RN-BC

Shanaria Hall CMT

[email protected]


  • First Aid administered per Office of Health Services Protocols
  • Medication administration – A Discretionary Medication form must be completed each school year. This allows the school nurse to provide over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Tums to your student.

    BEBCO 0881 Consent-for-Admin-of-Approved-Disc-Meds Rev 2023.pdf

    BEBCO 0881-20A Consent for Admin of Approve Medications SPANISH.pdf

  • Prescription Medications – must have a physician order. This would include any medication that your child must take during school hours.This order can be faxed, emailed or dropped off to the school nurse.Parents are also required to sign this form.

    BEBCO 2804 Medication for Students in School Rev 17 Accessible (1).pdf

  • Collaboration with parents/guardians in the management of ongoing health needs such as after an accident, after surgery, diabetic management, PE restrictions, chronic health concerns or life-threatening allergies.
  • Students with mobility difficulties fractures, sprains, strains, or surgery that require accommodations will need a written order from their physician.The order must indicate the specific accommodation needed for the student, for example – leave class 5 minutes early or allow the use of the elevator, etc. This can be faxed to 410-809-7917.

Wellness Center @ Dundalk High School

  • Is a school-based health center for all students at Dundalk High School, regardless of insurance status.
  • Provides preventive care, such as check-ups, immunizations, sports physicals, vision & hearing screenings, referrals for specialty care, management of asthma, ear infections, urinary tract infections and sore throats.
  • Treats acute and chronic health problems.
  • DOES NOT replace the child’s primary care provider; will collaborate with the child’s existing primary care provider, if they have one.
  • The Wellness Center bills medical assistance and all other health insurances.
  • If your child does not have health insurance, we offer help with applying for medical assistance. Please call the Office of Health Services 443-809-6368 for more information.
  • Is open during the school day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • Staff - Joahnna Fournier, CPNP-PC Necole Toogood, CNA/CMT

Parental Consent form for Secondary Wellness Center, Spanish.pdf

Health History Wellness Spanish22.pdf

Notice of Privacy Practices_SPANISH.pdf

Health History Wellness English (1).pdf

Notice of Privacy Practices.pdf

SBWC Secondary Consent-English22.pdf


This center is supported by the Baltimore County Department of Health and Baltimore County Public Schools

Contact Information:  Please provide the most accurate telephone numbers. When an emergency occurs, it is vital that we have the most current telephone numbers to reach a parent/guardian or designated individual that can pick up your child.

When to keep your child home from school:  If your child has visible signs or symptoms of a communicable disease PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME. 

  • Fever (Temperature of 100 degrees or higher) Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

DO NOT send your child to school sick. 

If your child is absent from school a note is required.  The absence note shall be signed by the parent/guardian and include the name of the student, the date of the absence and the reason for the absence.   Upon receipt of the absence note, the school will certify the absence as excused or unexcused.  The absence note must be taken to the main office.  

Sports Physicals: Sports physicals are good for 14 months only.  All physicals must be completed prior to tryouts. No physical, No tryouts, No exceptions!

Physical must be completed prior to August 1st for Fall, November 1st for Winter and March 1st for Spring Sports.

Sports Physical Forms.pdf

Sports Physical Forms-Spanish.pdf

Early Dismissal for IllnessAgain, please do not send your student to school sick.  Do not send your student to school and tell them to go to the health suite so that Nurse can send your child home. Your child can attend school with a cold, seasonal allergies, headache, and stomachache.  We DO NOT provide medication for colds, seasonal allergies, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Students must go home with a fever of 100.4 degrees.  Please do not send your child to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours.  

CDC COVID-19 Guidelines:  Staying Home When Sick

People who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home. Testing is recommended but not required for students with symptoms of COVID-19. If a student with COVID-19 symptoms tests negative for COVID-19, they should consider getting tested for other respiratory illnesses that could be spread to others, such as flu. Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreading infectious diseases, including COVID-19, to other students. Remain home until you are symptom free.  Please send an absence note to school with your child and have them turn this into the main office.