Mairead Navin, Library Media Specialist
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 - 2:45, whenever school is open.
Phone: 443-809-7030
Twitter: @DundalkHSLib
Dundalk High School Virtual Library Schoology Group (message Ms. Navin for Join Code)
You can reach the Librarian, Mairead Navin, at [email protected]. If you are a student, please send a message through Schoology. I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Visiting the Library
Students may visit the Library during class time with a pass from their teacher from that class period or during their lunch. When you arrive, make sure you sign in!
In order to spend your lunch period in the Library, you must visit the Library in the morning, between 7:30 and 7:45, to get a lunch pass for that day. You must arrive at the Library within the first 15 minutes of the lunch period. After that, the doors will be locked and you will need to head to the cafeteria.
If you are unable to visit the Library in person, you can also check out books using the hold feature in Destiny. Ms. Navin & Ms. Elliott will deliver books to your homeroom teacher if you place them on hold. Use this handout to learn how to place a book on hold!
Book Checkout:
Access the Destiny Library Catalog here!
Can't find the book you want? Suggest a book for our Library here!
Research Resources:
These will help you find reviewed, credible information for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates, creating presentations, and more.
Dundalk HS databases
Gale: Global Issues in Context
Gale: Opposing Issues in Context
Gale: Us History in Context
*See or message Ms. Navin in the Library for the password needed to use these off school grounds*
BCPS Digital Content
BCPS Research Guide
BCPL Research Databases
NoodleTools is our note taking and source citation tool. You can even use it to organize your information, outline your work, and start your paper. Make sure you log in using the Microsoft 365 button.
Learning Standards
Learning in the Dundalk High School Library is aligned to the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Standards Framework for Learners, Maryland College and Career Ready Standards, and disciplinary learning standards across content areas.
Find out more about how the school library program supports student learning:
AASL Parents/Guardians resource page
AASL Administrators resource page
AASL Educators & Classroom Teachers resource page