Course Information
Algebra I
Algebra 1 uses the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum published by Kendall Hunt. An overview of the program can be found on theIM Kendall Hunt family resources website.
TheYear at a Glanceprovides an overview of the mathematics content taught in the course.
Student Resources from IM:English/Español
Family Resources from IM
Honors Geometry
Geometry uses the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum published by Kendall Hunt. An overview of the program can be found on theIM Kendall Hunt family resources website.
TheYear at a Glanceprovides an overview of the mathematics content taught in the course.
Student Resources from IM
Family Resources from IM
Algebra II
Honors Algebra II
TheYear at a Glanceprovides an overview of the mathematics content taught in the course.
Instructional time should focus on:
- extending the study of functions to polynomial and other nonlinear functions (square root, cube root, piecewise-defined, step, absolute value, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric);
- solving nonlinear equations;
- using probability to interpret data and make decisions; and
- making inferences and justifying conclusions using data.
Pre-College Mathematics
This senior level elective mathematics course uses applications to enhance understanding of advanced algebraic topics like linear models and system, quadratic and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic function, and conic section. The goal is to prepare students to transition from high school to college level mathematics seamlessly.
- Unit 1: Functions and Graphs
- Unit 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities
- Unit 3: Algebraic Operations
- Unit 4: Factoring
- Unit 5: Quadratic Equations
- Unit 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- Unit 7: Rational Expressions
- Unit 8: Systems and Equations
Honors College Algebra
Designed as a college freshman level course, this course focuses on function theory and topics from linear algebra. College Algebra requires the use of a graphing calculator.
- Unit 1: Visual Representations of Functions
- Unit 2: Linear and Quadratic Functions
- Unit 3: Polynomial and Piecewise Functions
- Unit 4: Radical and Rational Functions
- Unit 5: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Unit 6: Further Topics in College Algebra
Honors Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
This course serves as a foundation for students who will be taking calculus. It focuses on right triangle trigonometry, circular functions, graphs of circular functions, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric identifies, coordinate geometry, oblique triangles, vectors, conic sections, parametric equations, and polar coordinates. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator.
Unit 1: Representations of Trigonometric Functions
Unit 2: Trigonometric Graphs, Identities, and Equations
Unit 3: Applications of Trigonometry
Unit 4: Parametric and Polar Functions
Unit 5: Conic Sections
Honors Pre-Calculus
GT Pre-Calculus
Pre-calculus is an advanced course that combines selected topics from function theory, linear algebra, trigonometric, and analytic geometry in preparation for Calculus I and II. Pre-calculus requires the use of a graphing calculator.
- Unit 1: Visual Representations of Functions
- Unit 2: Symbolic Representations of Functions
- Unit 3: Right Triangle Trigonometry
- Unit 4: Advanced Trigonometry
- Unit 5: Applications of Trigonometry
- Unit 6; Further Topics in Pre-Calculus
Honors Statistics & Probability
*AP Statistics
This calculator-assisted course features the study of techniques in descriptive and inferential statistics and includes frequency and probability distributions, Central Limit Theorem, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation and regression for bivariate data, analysis of variance, and nonparametric statistics.
- Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable Data
- Unit 2: Exploring Two-Variable Data
- Unit 3: Collecting Data
- Unit 4: Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions
- Unit 5: Sampling Distributions
- Unit 6: Inference for Categorical Data; Proportions
- Unit 7: Inference for Quantitative Data - Means
- Unit 8: Inference for Categorical Data – Chi-Square*
- Unit 9: Inference for Quantitative Data – Slopes*
*AP only
Honors Calculus
*AP Calculus
This course is designed for students who desire advanced standing in college. It deals with the theory and techniques of differential and integral integrals, vector fields, line and surface integrals, and Green’s and Stroke’s Theorems.
Unit 1: Limits & Continuity
Unit 2: Differentiation
Unit 3: Derivative Applications
Unit 4: Integration
Unit 5: Integration Applications*
Unit 6: Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates, and Vector Valued Functions*
Unit 7: Infinite Series*
*AP only